Monday, March 15, 2010

Birth of Honey Chicken and the Downfall of Fish and Chips

Sigh... big big fail on fish and chips! Today I started with my wedges and I was overwhelmed by my success, coz my wedges just taste so bloody good. Good mixture of salt, pepper, flour, coriander and rosemary! It tastes simply crispy!

But just before I dump in the fish, I tried to filter the remains from frying wedges and A HOLE eventually just appear in front of me on the filter!!! HOLY CRAP!!! I have thought it is a metal filter with plastic holder, but did not expect it to be fully plastic!

Anyway, this is the result of fish and chips, still edible thanks to the tenderness and rich flavour of the whiting.

But I was glad that the honey chicken yesterday was a success, served with bacon salad in Italian dressing, potatoes on barbecue sauce and most perfectly a glass of Shiraz wine! But I swallowed a glass of vodka pop(people usually drink tequila pop), and thanks to my house mate that simply cannot finish the Shiraz and poured half into my glass... I felt like puking after a while finishing the Shiraz!

1 comment:

  1. hey,ur blog bcome food's blog d la..every time foods only..
