9.00am Rainy day again... such hellish weather!!! Making me wanna continue to cover my head with my pillow!!! But i remembered i need to get my study abroad program form signed by my dean!!! Or else i can't get into ANU!!! Sigh no1. Just wake my ass up, and took my bath, spray myself with 4 shots of Burberry weekend, hmmm refreshing!
9.45am "Dik, kalau nak sign untuk Student Exchange Dr. Azhar(Deputy Dean) tak leh sign lah. Lagipun dia kat KL belum balik. Prof Fauzi ada kat Penang, nanti datang petang lah. Sigh no2. Crap lo... no need wake up so early and rush to my faculty in such rainy day.
12.00pm AIYO FORGOT my room key!!! DIE lo!!! Sigh no3. Called my roommate immediately and waited for him till 1.45pm, and got my key from the room and rush to the lab.
2.00pm "WHY are you late???" there comes Assc. Prof Mariatti. "My watch just in time." "But on my watch u r late for 6 minutes." Blah blah blahhhhh sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 4th time d. Just blahhh out my forgot key problem. And i am so god damn blur during the lab. the lab is another hellish lab!!!
5.00pm Computer lab closed!!! i cannot print my observations from the Microscope!!! SIGHHHHHHHHH 5th time. Everywhere is closed, OMG have to print it myself. sighhhhh
6.00pm Cannot tahan d.... go back take bath buy 2 nasi lemak from the corridoor makan then sleeeeepppppp
11.00pm Huhu!!! Filled with energy, continue with lab report!!! So much to write! Need to do printing!!!! HELLISH!!! So tiring!!! Sigh... Luckily my savior bungkus maggi goreng kosong for me to refill, and i killed several of my brain cells again by drinking Coke together with the maggi!
Next day 3.00am I still have a quiz tomorrow!!! Engineering Management!!! Sigh!!! not even started to study the notes yet!!! Still have my lab report to prepare!!! SIghhh Sighhh Sighhh sleepless nights....
It's a bad day for me today, cold war with my piggyzZz again. Sigh... I felt so wrong because i said to her I wanted to do my assignment instead of talking to her while she called me when i was doing my assignment yesterday night!!!
What a bad day... I was having a same situation a few days before...sigh