Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Orientation Week!

Can you imagine you are surrounded by people that are holding beer during school hours? University bars are open during school hours and they sell beers and booze? Have you ever imagine you are totally immersed in an environment where it is full of people from different races and cultural background? It isn't like Malaysia, people are from all over the world, this is The University of Adelaide orientation week!

This orientation week has only couple of sessions for talks and seminars, attendance is not compulsory, everything is running randomly! Booths are open in the lawns ranging from old fashion kind of booth (Adelaide University Union, banks, etc.), geeky booths (chess clubs and board games), sports (as usual), PARTY BOOTHS (Coopers beer booth, Skullduggery party on this coming Thursday, German club that has loads of parties and hang outs) and very cool sports booth (gliding, water-ski, surf boarding, body building clubs).

It sounds really fun for orientation week, but in fact it doesn't seem to be fun at all! Maybe partying will be fun but I just can't afford it right now. A lot of things still need to be purchased and I am on a tight budget right now!

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